Florida law de-lists climate change as a priority


Florida law de-lists climate change as a priority

Florida may very soon repeal what is left of a 16-year old law that states that climate change is a priority for the state when it makes energy decisions such as making fuel efficiency a top priority in buying new vehicles. Florida may also soon ban wind energy turbines within a mile off the coast, among other steps. Even the phrase “climate change” itself might be stripped from law.

Of course, this defies reality. Florida is flat and will be prone to severe financial and other damage when oceans rise. For example, Miami’s average elevation is only approx. 6-7 feet above sea level.

Businesses, on the other hand, have repeatedly asked for clear signaling of how energy policy at the state, national, and international levels is developing. We don’t need politicians anymore in this context; we all see the writing on the wall. Fossil fuels will face increasing pressure if not in some politically conservative states, then in others and around the world. Financial, PR-related, lawsuit-related and other risks exist and will affect organizations which do not shift towards more sustainable solutions when they can.

Sustainable solutions are key to modern business development and profits. Let us show you some of the relatively easy steps you can take to help pave the way forwards while increasing your profits.

Photo by Shawn Henley on Unsplash

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